30th April 2020
- Authors: Ananda Breed, Kurtis Dennison, Sylvestre Nzahabwanayo, Kirrily Pells
- Book: The Applied Theatre Reader
- Edition: Second Edition
- First Published: 2020
- Imprint: Routledge
- Pages: 9
- eBook: ISBN9780429355363
- https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429355363-30/mobile-arts-peace-map-ananda-breed-kurtis-dennison-sylvestre-nzahabwanayo-kirrily-pells

This chapter examines the use of interdisciplinary, arts-based approaches to peacebuilding through the Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) project in Rwanda, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Global Challenges Research Fund, through an overarching project entitled Changing the Story: Building Inclusive Societies with and for Young People in Five Post-Conflict Countries. Peace and values education was one of these cross-cutting issues to better understand the root causes of conflict while also supporting students’ development of values of peace. MAP addresses the curriculum for sustainable development goals through the integration of student-centered approaches in music, dance and drama and within peace and values education through conflict analysis, critical thinking, and problem solving. The subject ‘music, dance, and drama’ was introduced nationally as an optional elective to promote a culture of peace and to emphasise Rwandese and universal values of justice, peace, tolerance, respect for human rights, gender, equality, solidarity, and democracy.