In Indonesia, MAP aims to influence national curricula and youth policy from bottom up. Starting from local Urban Level meetings all the way to national level Ministries decision making processes, such as Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, and Ministry of Education. The endeavor will be done through collaboration with local CSOs, national NGOs, and cultural artists.
From 2020-21, MAP Co-Investigator Harla Sara Octarra and her team from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia is working through baseline activities which will inform youth policy through the provision of additional materials, training and expertise related to the use of arts-based methods for peacebuilding.
- Artistic output
GENPEACE Song “Yang Berkurang Harus Sampai Hilang”
Listen to the GENPEACE song "Yang Berkurang Harus Sampai Hilang" reflecting on children's concerns and hopes in relation to their rights.
- Artistic output
The Pre-Production Film about YAB Indonesia Journey
Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Indonesia produced a short video showing the process behind the making of "YAB Indonesia Journey", from brainstorming ideas to writing the script and preparing for production.
- Artistic output
Manuals and toolkits: YAB Indonesia’s Guidebook for Midline Evaluation
Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Indonesia developed a midline evaluation guidebook. The guidebook shows step-by-step how to use the tools
- Artistic output
Manuals and toolkits: Youth Participatory Mural Guidebook
The AHRC PhD student, Vina Puspita, explores youth participatory murals with Children's Forums in Jakarta, Indonesia. Following a series of mural projects that took place from July to December 2022, young people, together with youth facilitators and Vina, co-created a guidebook with content drawn from the process and experience of creating murals in four locations…
- Artistic output
Vlog: Journey to Lincoln
Indonesian Youth Advisory Board members Haikel and Indri travelled to Lincoln in November 2022 to attend the 1st Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) International Conference. The video is their journal of this adventure, recorded in pictures, sound, and words. Haikel and Indri would like to thank their YAB colleagues from Nepal, Rwanda and Kyrgyzstan for…
- Artistic output
MAP Indonesia: Informing Youth Policy through Arts-based Methods
By Harla Octarra from Atma Jaya, Indonesia This short video shows the journey of how MAP young researchers collaborated with various stakeholders to gradually inform youth policy through research, creating art forms, and an audience with local government. Told from the perspectives of Ibnu, Indri, Haikel, and presented by Harla (as MAP Co-Investigator in Indonesia),…
- Artistic output
Participatory Mural #4 on Creating a Safer City for Children
“Green Space, Feel Safe” by Children's Forums and children in Jatinegara Sub-district, East Jakarta, Indonesia Young people and local leaders painting together / Jakaringan Cinema Following the mural project in Bidara Cina Urban Village, the young muralists were invited to extend their collaboration to a greening project under the Kampung Melayu flyover bridge in East…
- Artistic output
Participatory Mural #3 for Child-friendly Public Space in Jakarta
“Tough in Solidarity" by Children's Forums and children in Bidara Cina Urban Village Bidara Cina's RPTRA with new mural / Puspita The third MAP Participatory Mural project took place in November 2022, initiated by the Children's Forum of Bidara Cina and supported by youth facilitators, RPTRA staff, and the urban village. This project was held…
- Artistic output
Participatory Mural #2 on Youths’ Challenges
“Active Youths, Positive Attitudes" by MAP Young People & Children's Forums in Jatinegara Sub-district, East Jakarta, Indonesia Between August and September 2022, the second mural project took place at the Jatinegara Sub-district office. The project spanned six weeks and consisted of six sessions held on Sundays. The project started with an online opening session on…
- Artistic output
Participatory Mural #1 on the Issue of Intercommunity Brawls
"Indonesia Needs You" by MAP Young People in Jakarta, Indonesia This mural was created by Children's Forum of Cipinang Besar Utara (CBU) in Jakarta and was facilitated by an Indonesian artist-educator as well as MAP PhD Researcher at the University of Lincoln, Vina Puspita. The mural was initiated to respond to the available space/wall at…
- Artistic output
Jalanmu Masih Panjang (Your Road is Still Long)
MAP Music Workshop with Yayasan Bina Matahari Bangsa (YBMB), October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)GROUP MEETING H-IV (YBMB) YOUR ROAD IS STILL LONG(YBMB: Anastasya Huwae/Ayu Wahyuni/M. Afrizal/M. Ardiawan/Reggyta C.E.P) Composed by: Anastasya Huwae/Ayu Wahyuni/M. Afrizal/M. Ardiawan/Reggyta C.E.P. (YBMB).Written by: Anastasya Huwae/Ayu Wahyuni/M. Afrizal/M. Ardiawan/Reggyta C.E.P.…
- Artistic output
Lepaskanlah (Tell It Out)
MAP Music Workshop with Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-III (WVI) GROUP MEETING TELL IT OUT(WVI:Haikali/Khusnul/Yunita/Riski) Composed by: Haikal/Khusnul/Yunita/Riski (WVI).Written by: Haikal/Khusnul/Yunita/Riski (WVI).Arranged by: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) MAP participants from WVI presenting the…
- Artistic output
Tawuran (Brawl)
MAP Music Workshop with Cipinang Besar Utara (CBU) Children's Forums, October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE) H-III GROUP MEETING (CBU) T A W U R A N (CBU: Adelia P.A/Chantica W/Ana Z/Ghifara D.R) Composed by: Adelia P.A/Chantica W/Ana Z/Ghifara D.R. (CBU). Written by: Adelia P.A/Chantica…
- Artistic output
Mengerti Orang Tua (Understanding Parents)
MAP Music Workshop with Cipinang Besar Selatan (CBS) Children's Forums, October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-III GROUP MEETING (CBS) UNDERSTANDING PARENTS(CBS:Dhiya/Nabila/Revani) Composed by: Dhiya/Nabila/Revani (CBS).Written by: Dhiya/Nabila/Revani (CBS).Arranged by: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) MAP participants from CBS presenting…
- Artistic output
Mari Berteman (Let’s Be Friends)
MAP Music Workshop with Budi Mulia Children's Forums, October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-II GROUP MEETING (BUDI MULIA) LET'S BE FRIENDS(Budi Mulia: Kurnia Astuti/Siti Rodiyah/Ridho Dwi Jatmiko/Dedi R. Langga S./Siti Khodijah/Devi Alfianti/Ani Sugiarti) Composed by: Kurnia Astuti/Siti Rodiyah/Ridho Dwi Jatmiko/Dedi R. Langga S./Siti Khodijah/Devi Alfianti/Ani…
- Artistic output
Bersama (Together)
MAP Music Workshop with Bandungwangi, October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-II GROUP MEETING (BANDUNGWANGI) TOGETHER(Bandungwangi: Septi/Icha/Dea/Nova/Fitry/Suci/Zaenal) Composed by: Septi/Icha/Dea/Nova/Fitry/Suci/Zaenal (Bandungwangi).Written by: Septi/Icha/Dea/Nova/Fitry/Suci/Zaenal (Bandungwangi).Arranged by: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) Chords and Lyrics E A F# AKU SEDIH MELIHAT KAU…
- Artistic output
Si Cerdas Mawar (The Intelligent Rose)
MAP Music Workshop with Red Nose Foundation (RNF), October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-I GROUP MEETING (RNF) THE INTELLIGENT ROSE(RNF/1: Yusuf/ Mega/ Kurni) Composed by: Yusuf/ Mega/ Kurni (RNF). Written by: Yusuf/ Mega/ Kurni (RNF). Arranged by: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik…
- Artistic output
Menjadi Orang Yang Rajin (Be a Hardworking Person)
MAP Music Workshop with Red Nose Foundation (RNF), October 2021 Facilitators: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia) SONG WORKS (OUTSIDE)H-I GROUP MEETING (RNF) Be a Hardworking Person (RNF/2: David/ Hayda/ Rena) Composed by: David/ Hayda/ Rena (RNF). Written by: David/ Hayda/ Rena (RNF). Arranged by: Karina Adistiana & Ribut Cahyono (Yayasan…
- Artistic output
Policy brief: Rumah Tak Ramah (Unfriendly Home) ‘Behind the Scenes’ – Briefing Note
“A participatory research using short film to start conversations about sexual violence among adolescents in order to reduce stigma towards the victims.” A film was chosen to raise the problem of stigma toward adolescent victims of sexual violence. The storyline was based on the experiences of adolescents in an urban community in Jakarta and the…
- Artistic output
Policy brief: Brawling in the name of solidarity?! – Briefing Note
“A participatory research using a comic book to identify the impact of brawls in order to find workable solutions.” A comic book was chosen to raise the problem of brawls that often happen between communities and young people. The storyline was based on incidents that took place in many neighbourhoods in Jakarta, including those of…
- Artistic output
Kolase Bercerita
This Virtual Exhibition entitled Kolase Bercerita (digital storytelling collage) 2021 is one of the outcomes of the digital collage workshop held by Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) in Indonesia, made through the collaboration of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, with visual artist facilitator, Vina Puspita, and the DKI Jakarta Child Protection Agency (LPA). The virtual exhibition consists of…
- Artistic output
Jangan (Don’t): A Youth Comic
The story in this comic is inspired by the problem of Tawuran (street brawls) found in a sub-district in DKI Jakarta as identified by young participants. The JANGAN (Don’t) comic booklet was created by MAP young researchers, based on the social problem analysis conducted by Children’s Forum of Cipinang Besar Utara in Jakarta. The young…
- Artistic output
Rumah Tak Ramah – Unfriendly Home
MAP young researchers in Indonesia created a short film to address the problem of stigma towards victims of sexual violence. The film is a research tool to create dialogue with community members about stigma and the causes of sexual violence. You can find more information about the making of the film in Harla Sara Octarra's (Indonesia…
- Artistic output
Lenong Betawi on youth and environmental issues
In 2021, MAP Indonesia collaborated with Kalamtara Film House and Padepokan Ciliwung Condet (PCC) to explore Lenong with young people as a medium for peacebuilding and efforts to revitalise Betawi culture. Lenong is a folk theatre genre of the Betawi people (Jakarta) that has existed since the early 1920s. The MAP Lenong Betawi was presented…
Music Workshops
In October 2021, MAP Indonesia delivered a series of music workshops for young people of the seven partner organizations: Red Nose Foundation, Yayasan Bandungwangi, Forum Anak (Child Forum) Budi Mulia Pademangan Barat, Forum Anak Cipinang Besar Selatan, Forum Anak Cipinang Besar Utara, Wahana Visi Indonesia, and Yayasan Bina Matahari Bangsa.
A total of 46 people attended the sessions: 33 young people and 13 youth facilitators.
The workshops sought to introduce young people to song writing and music-making as a tool to make their voices and concerns heard in society. At first, young people needed to become comfortable with music-making with warm-up exercises. Then they learned how to turn their identified problems into lyrics, find matching tunes for their lyrics, and record their piece.
The young people decided to write songs about their, which they had identified using problem trees. Then they discussed ways to turn the identified problem into song lyrics that transmit their message clearly to the public. Next, they chose the rhythm and tunes and practised the song by themselves and as a group before performing the songs live at the end of the workshop. In total the young people created 8 songs.
The workshops were facilitated by two cultural artists from Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia (YPMAI): Karina Adistiana and Ribut Cahyono.