GENPEACE Ambassador with the support of Save the Children Indonesia in collaboration with the Bandung City Government, the Ministry of PPPA RI, and Saung Angklung Udjo held an Inter-Generation Dialogue Podcast: Reflection on the Delivery of Children’s Voices Regarding Five Clusters of Children’s Rights through Cultural Arts Performances in Bandung city, Indonesia. The dialogue was held between representatives of children and youth groups – GENPEACE Ambassador, with policymakers represented by the Deputy Assistant for PHSIPA KPPPA R.I and the Head of the Bandung City PPPA Service. This activity aims to explore the government’s response and commitment in supporting meaningful participation of children and youth in fulfilling children’s rights. This podcast activity is a follow-up to the Panca Sora Performance which is a Model for Delivering Children’s Voices through Cultural Arts Performances which was held on March 2-3, 2024 at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung.

Check out the podcast here:

Inter-generational Peace (GENPEACE)
Amplifying youth voices and children’s civic participation through social media and the arts.