The Foundation for Tolerance International (FTI) is a non-governmental organization working in the area of conflict prevention and non-violent resolution. The Foundation was established in 1999.
FTI’s Vision: Central Asia Living in Peace and Harmony.
FTI’s Mission: We are building peace in Central Asia: we identify threats, find and implement the best solutions to create and promote sustainable peace.
To date, the organization is one of the largest and most experienced non-governmental organizations working on conflict prevention and resolution in the Central Asian region. The Foundation’s team includes more than 20 employees of different ethnic background, age groups and qualifications. FTI has its head office in Bishkek, and its three branches in the cities of Batken, Osh and Jalal-Abad. The Foundation is the founder of the Valley of Peace Network, which brings together NGOs from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and the regional coordinator of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in Central Asia.