Karkhana Samuha is a Nepal-focused non-profit organisation that empowers people with the skills and attitude to help build their own future and the future of the community. We use design thinking and results-based management approaches to work under five broad areas (SLIDE) – Sustainability and Climate Action, Lifelong Learning, Innovative and Inclusive Education, Digital Transformation, and Education in Emergencies.
In our approach, we practices participatory decision making and co-designing by bringing together partners, collaborators and end users. Karkhana Samuha uses Design Thinking (DT) and Human Centered Design (HCD) as its core project design and management methodology, also the Result Based Management (RBM) approach to define project impacts, outcomes, outputs and corresponding indicators such that there are clear linkages enabling a process for the effective and efficient allocation of project resources.
In Karkhana Samuha, we developed design thinking approach called TMPI, which stands for Think Make Play Improve. It is an adaptive, non-linear, iterative, and learning oriented approach to management. Applying the TMPI philosophy, Karkhana Samuha approaches its work as a series of cycles where planning occurs (Think), action is initiated (Make), activities are conducted in partnership with others, (Play) and a reflection phase where insights are generated/learnings are realised (Improve). Finally, Karkhana Samuha is deeply engaged with shaping and providing input into policy in the education and innovation spaces. Given it’s unique position as a bridge between peripheral but innovative and creative stakeholder and the education policy establishment, Karkhana Samuha makes a special effort to represent alternative voices and ideas in the established policy processes.