- MAP Role: Co-Investigator Visualising Peace Project (Rwanda)
- Institution: University of Lincoln
- Position: Senior Lecturer, Lincoln School of Design
- Location: U.K.
- Web profile: https://staff.lincoln.ac.uk/7ffeecc4-9451-43eb-af12-57d123ae0f49
Michelle Walsh is a photographer and lecturer in the School of Film and Media at the University of Lincoln. Her work primarily explores portraiture at the intersection of neuroscience and eastern philosophy and in particular what this means for contemporary representations of the self. Transnational identity, narrative, migration and digital storytelling are other key areas of practice and research. Some of her previous roles include; Artist-Experimentor with the New Arts Exchange Gallery in Nottingham on the Arts Council Funded project ‘Come Back To Where You Are’, Associate Artist for the first Frequency Festival in Lincoln and Assistant Producer for Wellington Films while working on the award winning short film ‘Cold Warrior’. Her portrait work has featured in the Culture Cloud exhibition and was the solo show curated by ex Sunday times photo editor Jane Moore for the Dalai Lama’s Nottingham UK conference in 2007. Tendu TV included her film ‘The Silence’, which she co-directed and filmed, in the top ten international essential dance films of 2011. Having trained with PhotoVoice in London Michelle is also passionate about participatory practices in photography and has completed a number of projects in the community in this regard.
Department Responsibilities
Contemporary Contexts (Level 2), Major Project (Level 3) and Independent Study (dissertation level 3) on Ba Photography degree, Photography (level 1) and Creative Enterprise (level 3) on the Media Production degree.
Subject Specialisms
- MA Digital Imaging & Photography (Distinction) – University of Lincoln 2010
- PgDip Psychology (Distinction) – Open University 2006
- Bsc (hons) Biomedical Engineering (First Class honours) – University of Ulster, Belfast 2002
- Small Grants Award – Arts Council England 2011
- Associate Artist – Frequency Festival 2011
- Small Arts Award – Lincoln County Council 2011