“Mobile Arts for Peace” song by Umuduri Band

This song tells the story of MAP’s impact in Rwanda, as reflected by Iteriteka Alexandre from Umuduri Band.
It was performed during MAP Impact Week Rwanda, 17 July 2023.

Song Lyrics: “Mobile Arts for Peace”
by Umuduri Band, Rwanda

Mobile Arts for Peace, 
has made change. 
It makes change, 
has made change. 
Mobile Arts for Peace
makes change.

Mobile Arts for Peace
the best time to learn to live with others 
it provides good time to expand mind 
it helps to build self-confidence, public speaking, connects people 
Mobile Arts for Peace yeah yeah yeah.

It’s too easy to express feelings, 
It helps researchers to succeed. 
There are many good things that come from Mobile Arts for Peace.

Mobile Arts for Peace,
has made change. 
It makes change, 
has made change.
Makes change. 

Mobile Arts for Peace
has helped me maintain my mental health while staying at home 
Mobile Arts for Peace
it helped me to feel that I am not alone 
singing and different exercises 
it’s good to be with Mobile Arts for Peace

Mobile Arts for Peace
has made change 
it makes change 
has made change 
Mobile Arts for Peace
makes change 

Here are impacts of the Mobile Arts for Peace
international practice of conflict intervention 
public awareness and understanding of conflict issues
public access to and participation in political process 
design and delivery of school curriculum and new execcula opportunities for young people
inspiration creation and support new forms of artistic and social expression 
integration of participatory practice as teaching and learning methods 
Local economy benefits and improvement in welfare 
and quality of life individuals involved in projects 

Has made change 
it makes change 
Kyrgystan, Rwanda, Indonesia, and Nepal 
Makes change
in organisation, society, communities 
makes change 
in school wherever in the world