Arts-based child participation model / GENPEACE

The MAP project team in Indonesia is celebrating the MAP International Conference with young people, Child Forums, research teams, cultural artists, civil society organisations and policymakers. Supported by Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, the MAP project team in Indonesia is organising a mixed forms of engaging activities, including a Policy Roundtable, exhibition of youth artworks and behind-the-scenes processes, youth-led talk shows and workshops, and the launch of Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Indonesia Journey Film, as well as two relevant manuals with teaching materials.

Some of the events will be a hybrid of in-person and Zoom, so check out the programme below and register now!

Tue, 21 May

9 am to 1 pm (GMT+7) 


Location: Jakarta 

Policy Dialogue and Mini Exhibition on Child and Adolescent Participation Models

This event is conducted in close collaboration with the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia. The session aims to showcase different models of child and youth participation to ministry and government officials, as well as the National Child Forum. The session will consist of a combination of project exhibitions and a talk show led by a YAB member with YAB representatives, young people from the Beyond Tradition and GENPEACE projects as the panelist. The young people will share their experiences of participating in the MAP project and its impact, with the aim of illustrating how the MAP approach could serve as a model for children and young people’s participation in the policy-making process. In addition, the MAP Indonesia Co-Investigator, Dr Harla Sara Octarra, will present various child and youth participation models and discuss how they can be adapted to involve children in development programmes.

Fri, 24 May

1 pm to 3.30 pm (GMT+7) /
7 am to 9.30 am

Online and in-person
Location: Seminar room, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta 

With Betawi cultural artist and young performer, Indonesia.

Lenong is a traditional theatre form of the Betawi people in Jakarta, Indonesia. This art form was explored by the Beyond Tradition project to engage young people in addressing youth issues, building dialogue with local leaders, and contributing to the revitalisation of tradition. Betawi cultural practitioners and a young people will guide us to learn more about some of the elements of Lenong, such as Gambang Kromong notation (musical element) and rhymes (spoken word element).

In order to have a maximum experience in the practice, you need to install an online music keyboard application below:

Interpretation from Bahasa Indonesia into English will be provided.

Register online | Register in-person

Preparation for ART-ing workshop Lenong / AJCUI

Sat, 25 May

9 am – 3 pm (GMT+7)  


Seminar room, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta

Youth-led Workshop

The youth-led workshop will have two parallel sessions, one led by Beyond Tradition young people and the other led by GENPEACE young people. The Beyond Tradition group will share the creative process of writing the Lenong script, showing how music and rhymes are woven into the script and highlighting the integration of Betawi dance into Lenong performances and dialogues. On the other hand, the GENPEACE youth will lead a session focusing on youth empowerment through interactive activities using Angklung and other art forms.

Youth-led workshop rehearsal / AJCUI

Sun, 26 May

9 am – 1 pm (GMT+7) /
3 am – 7 am (UK BST)

Online and in-person
Seminar room, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta 

The MAP Journey:
A talk show and engagement event

The talk show will feature cultural practitioners and will be led by the YAB. It will provide a reflection on the MAP Journey, highlighting the development and impact of the programme. This will be followed by the launch of the YAB Indonesia Journey Film, an insightful portrayal of the YAB members’ experiences. In addition, the Manual for Teaching Lenong and a Module and Teaching Materials of Meaningful Child Participation in the Development Process will be launched, providing valuable resources and insights from the MAP project.

Interpretation from Bahasa Indonesia into English will be provided.

Register online | Register in-person

The event booklet (in Bahasa Indonesia)

For any inquiries or additional information about the MAP ‘Celebration’ events in Indonesia,
please contact