We have substantial evidence there are barriers to inter-generational dialogue in informing curricula and educational policy.
In this first TALKING BACK, we would love to hear from both adults and young people how ‘dialogue’ occurs between adults and young people, and learn how to overcome barriers to inter-generational dialogue.

What misunderstandings have you experienced?
How did you try to address this?
If you are young people, what would you want parents, adults, and or decision-makers to hear about?
If you are an adult what would you want
young people to understand?”

Until the end of January 2024 you can send us your stories on this page.

Add your thoughts on our storyboard below and let us know if these stories resonate with your experience…and share with friends and colleagues

On 29 February 2024, we will hold a webinar to explore these stories alongside policy briefs and art-based outputs used to communicate issues important to young people with decision-makers. To find out how to join…
Share your story
Send us approximately 100 words and an image, drawing or a link to a video. We will check your content, get back to you with any questions and post it on our wall…
We will only use your details to contact you about your story. See our privacy notice at www.lincoln.ac.uk/privacy
React and respond
Please comment on these stories. When commenting, please add your [Gender, Job title, age and country]. You don’t need to provide your real name!
Our MAP team will be online during the webinar to join in the discussion.
We are using Padlet to collect these responses.
What next?
We are collecting your experiences so that we can generate live and ongoing discussion between adults and young people.
If you would like to contribute directly to the live webinar, please email us!
We will not keep a record of your name or email address. To keep updated, you can