Evaluation report: Small Grants Evaluation Report

30th January 2023

This report focuses on the Small Grants awarded across the four countries, and acts as a follow-up to the Phase One Report produced in the winter of 2021. It seeks to demonstrate, through a narrative case-study approach, how the Small Grants work delivered has promoted arts-based peacebuilding and supported community cohesion. The research reported took place between February and October 2022 and focuses on the research aim below and three key research questions: 

Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of the MAP Small Grants projects and understand their impact in communities. Specifically: 

  1. What outputs were delivered through the Small Grants projects? 
  2. What outcomes for beneficiaries/stakeholders were delivered through the Small Grants projects? 
  3. What impacts delivered for communities and societies across the four countries were delivered through the Small Grants projects? 

A key finding: “Power of arts-based methods: Ultimately, the strength of the projects rested in their use of arts-based methods, which across the funded projects repeatedly demonstrated their power and value in helping to develop community understanding of problems, build empathy and cohesion and drive wider impact through policy” (p.80).

Small Grants Evaluation Report [January 2023] 

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