Dialogue through Art

Dialogue through Art

November 2022 - December 2023

Advocacy for priority youth issues, raising topics using arts-based tools and making recommendations at regional and national levels….

FTI’s Dialogue through Arts project works with partners including the Jash Kubat Theatre, education centres and secondary schools. The project aims to strengthen the existing links between youth and decision makers at regional and national levels in order to influence the implementation of youth policies by bringing the youth issues identified by the MAP Youth Clubs to the attention of relevant high level decision makers. The project targets Osh, Batken, Jalal Abad regions and Bishkek, the capital.

MAP Youth Clubs in each of the four regions explore different arts-based tools (such as forum theatre, participatory video session, photovoice, songs, traditional artistic practices, etc.) to run dialogue with the stakeholders. For this purpose, masterclasses on arts-based methods have been conducted to enable young people to lead the proactive engagement of the audience to shape their empathy and participation in solving the issues. A series of regional discussions are on the agenda for young people, contribute to advocacy at the national level and provide valuable lessons from the perspective of “what works well” and “what does not work”, which will be reflected in the policy brief.


  • Advocating for progressive education
  • Tackling child and gender-based violence


  • Building in gender (and diversity) inclusive considerations
  • Child/youth led participatory action research
  • Designing inter and intra generational processes of dialogue

Policy outputs

Dialogue through Arts is an ongoing effort of FTI’s work, building on the MAP Phase One and Small Grant, to advocate the most important and common youth issues to the authorities at regional and national levels. To date, youth issues have been identified by 16 MAP Youth Clubs in 4 regions of Kyrgyzstan and 16 policy briefs have been produced. The policy briefs were presented and discussed at the local level. Among the issues identified were lack of access to education for girls, child labour, violence against children, environmental issues, lack of positive communication and mutual understanding in child-parent relationships, etc. In the current project, MAP Youth Clubs from four regions are prioritising 3 key issues to inform youth policy.

The audience of the regional level arts-based communication consisted representatives of the Governor’s Office, regional education departments, department on social protection as well as independent experts. Meanwhile, the national level communication involves deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), the Ministries of Education, Interior, Social Protection, Culture, Information, Sport and Youth Policy, as well as representatives of national and international organisations working with youth.

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Artistic output activities