Category: Artistic Outputs – Nepal

Photo Storybook of Dēudā Folklore & Social Transformation in Nepal

This photo storybook captures the key milestones of this journey. Over the course of a year, the project delved deep into the rich tapestry of Dēudā folklore, traversing the landscapes of tradition and modernity, power relations and gender dynamics, and heritage….

Teaching Mithila art through a local arts education curriculum: the development of the lessons

Introduction This article briefly explains the development and focus of Mithila art lesson planning, from Grade one to five, for the development of a local arts education curriculum in Nepal (click here to read the introduction on the Mithila art local curriculum in Nepal). To start, a Mithila art workshop with female Mithila artists/painters was…

Creating a Mithila Art Focused Local Curriculum in Nepal: An Introduction

The JWAS team with the executives of Laxminiya rural municipality. Photo- Credit: Chandan Jha  Project introduction Janaki Womens Awareness Society (JWAS), a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nepal, has received funds from the University of Lincoln/Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) for creating a Mithila art local curriculum in the Laxminiya rural municipality of Dhanusha district, Madhesh…

Arts Based Training at Tikabhairav, Nepal – May 2023

During May 2023, the Intergenerational Dialogue Project, supported by colleagues from Kathmandu University and lead YAAR Juhi Adhikari, visited Tikabhairav village and a public secondary school, just outside the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. Through peer to peer training on the use of Image Theatre, students were introduced to working with ‘sculptor’ and ‘clay’ exercises as…

Community Engagement through Deuda – April 2023

During the April-May 2023 inception visit, the Deuda Folklore team led by Prof Simon Dancey visited the rural municipality Mellekh, in far western Nepal, where a large scale Deuda performance was being held with over 1,500 participants from surrounding villages. Musicians and dancers led a ‘call and response’ inter action amongst the circles of performers….

Deuda Folklore in Nepal

This video shares the work of the Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) project ‘Deuda Folklore and Social Transformation in Nepal’. It serves as an introduction to Déudã folklore and its significance within MAP research project to call for individual, social and communal change in the community….

Short Film on The Psycho Social Impact of Absenteeism in Young Children

Poverty is one of the major factor behind school drop out in Nepal. This video creates awareness about important of education to the children. This video also describe the psycho-social impact to the children if they don’t enrol to the school education. The video was developed by members of the Child Club from Janapriya Secondary…

Short Film on Untouchables – Mohankanya, Bhusalda and Janapriya Secondary Schools

Members of three Child Clubs from Mohankanya, Bhulsalda, and Janapriya Secondary Schools (Palpa district, Nepal) raise awareness about the challenges of the ‘untouchables’ (low caste) in Nepal and the need to change perceptions and attitudes within society. This video was produced after the students attended MAP Nepal’s mobile film-making workshop….

Short Film on Worship During Menstruation – Janajyoti Secondary School

Menstruation is treated as something impure and dirty in Nepal. Girls and women are alienated during this time and face harmful social restrictions. The video seeks to create awareness about the current situation and the need to stop harmful traditional practices. The video was developed by members of the Child Club from Janapriya Secondary Schools…

Drawing Workshops

From April 2021 – March 2022, MAP in Nepal worked with 7 schools in Palpa, Kanchanur, and Makwanpur districts. During the project, child club members from working schools identified different issues young people face. Major issues were child marriage, caste discrimination, human trafficking, drug abuse, gender-based violence, and menstruation. They have also identified different art…

Deuda Song on Human Trafficking – Janajyoti Secondary School

Human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Nepal is growing due to extreme poverty (partly resulting from the earthquake in 2015), illiteracy, unemployment, poor law enforcement. Trafficking mainly affects girls and young women who are forced to ‘work’. Here is a video produced by Janjyoti Secondary School to raise awareness about this issue through the use…

Short Film on Menstruation – Janajyoti Secondary School

Menstruation is treated as something impure and dirty in Nepal. Girls and women are alienated during this time and face harmful social restrictions. The video seeks to create awareness about the current situation and the need to stop harmful traditional practices. The video was developed by members of the Child Club from Janapriya Secondary Schools…

MAP at the Nepal Human Rights International Film Festival

Hosted from the 25th-30th November 2020, the Eighth Nepal Human Rights International Film Festival (HRIFF) celebrated the films and filmmakers that spotlight human rights causes and change people’s lives across the world. The Human Rights Film Center, a MAP partner in Nepal, has organised the HRIFF each year since 2010. Due to COVID-19, this is…