Expanding inter-generational dialogue through drumming, bicycling and photographic exhibitions….
MAP in Rwanda is
- Drumming, warrior dance and creative workshops/festivals, enabling girls to address inequality by exploring their empowerment through non-traditional creative roles , and
- Using film-making and art exhibitions to address the barriers young people face in engaging and influencing community members and policy makers.
Our three projects are: “Gira Ingoma – One Drum Per Girl” led by Gakire Katese Odile (PI) from the Woman Cultural Centre (WCC), “Visualising Peace“ led by Dr Tom Martin (PI) from the University of Lincoln, and “Picturing the Past, Present & Future” led by Dr Marlon Lee Moncrieffe (PI) from the University of Brighton. They are all concerned with everyday peacebuilding processes that extend inter-generational dialogue in artistic, physical and thought-provoking ways. In addition, we commissioned a project in Rwanda called “MEN – ART” led by Dr Chaste Uwihoreye (PI) to address the impact of mental health on peace and conflict resolution in schools through arts-based methods.