The Magic of Theatre (MoT) project engages children and young people from Bishkek and the village of Dzhany-Dzher in the world of theatre, with the aim of empowering children and helping them to overcome their inner fears and insecurities. The project became a platform for the children to freely express their thoughts, engage with adults…
The Magic of Theatre Performances in 2024
Following four performances in the first phase of the Magic of Theatre project (February – May 2023), three more performances were staged in mid 2024 by young people from the Vocational School 43 in Dzhany-Dzher and the Kyrgyz State Puppet Theatre in Bishkek, named after M. Zhangaziev….
The Magic of Theatre Performances in 2023
During the first phase of the project (February – May 2023), four performances took to the stage, ranging from Urmanbetov’s ‘Tak Teke’, to J-B Molière’s ‘Les Précieuses Ridicules’, ‘L’Impromptu de Versailles’ and, Stolyarov’s adaptation of ‘A Little Match Girl’, based on H.C. Andersen’s timeless tale….
Body-Mapping Storytelling
These artworks were created during the body-mapping storytelling workshops facilitated by Anna Smirnova, AHRC MAP PhD researcher from the School of Creative Arts at the University of Lincoln (UK). Anna’s PhD study is part of the international research project ‘Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP)’ with focus on analysing MAP activities in Kyrgyzstan. The aim of…
Children Against Violence
Kyrgyzstan, Thursday, May 11, 2023 to Monday, December 11, 2023 This exhibition presents drawings by young people, participants of the MAP project Dialogue through Arts (FTI), from four regions of Kyrgyzstan . These are Batken, Bishkek, Jalal-Abad and Osh. One of the participants, Symbat Zhanibekova, composed a song about the problems of children in Kyrgyzstan,…
Short Film – Writing an essay “Whom I want to be”
This short film was created by School Club in Batken (Kyrgyzstan) as part of MAP Small Grant project (2022). The aim of this short film is to build a relationship between young people, their parents, and teachers, in order to motivate young individuals to pursue a quality education. In the film, the students write an…
Drawings: The World through The Eyes of Children
The MAP School Club organised a drawing competition entitled “The World through the Eyes of Children”, which focused on the issue of violence against children. This theme included bullying, early marriage, migration of parents, and other issues that children could see in their community. The competition was held in all pilot schools. Selected drawings were…
A performance of Komuz and singing by Symbat Z.
This is a song that reflects on the effects of parental migration on children left behind. It explores the challenges faced by these children when parents leave in search of better job opportunities abroad, often resulting in a lack of parental care. Drawing inspiration from Chingiz Aitmatov’s White Steamship, which portrays a child’s experience of…
Drawing Masterclass Osh
On November 17 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Osh, with a total of 40 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated. Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan This drawing masterclass in Osh provided a platform for exploration and reflection on important societal issues, raising awareness of the need to…
Drawing Masterclass Jalal-Abad
On November 8 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Jalal-Abad, with a total of 40 schoolchildren aged 14 to 17 years participated. Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Jalal-Abad invited school children to draw on the theme “The World Through My Eyes”. The children presented rich…
Drawing Masterclass Bishkek
On November 12 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Bishkek, with a total of 39 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated. Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Jalal-Abad invited school children to draw on the theme “The World Through My Eyes”. Although many of…
Drawing Masterclass Batken
On November 20 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Batken, with a total of 44 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated. Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Batken presented a passionate group of participants. What set this group apart from others was their strong sense…
Drawing Masterclass Selection: Gender Inequality (Gallery)
This gallery contains a sample of the drawings on Gender Inequality made by young people in the context of the Drawing Masterclass carried out by the Kyrgyzstan team in November 2021 in Bishkek, Batken, Osh and Jalal-Abad….
Short Film – Violence Against Migrant Children
This short film was created during a filmmaking workshop (MAP Phase 1, 2021) with School Club in Osh (Kyrgyzstan), exploring the problem of violence against children of migrant workers….
Short Film – Unsanitary Conditions of The School’s Toilet
This short film was made during a filmmaking workshop (MAP Phase 1, 2021) with the School Club in Jalal Abad (Kyrgyzstan), highlighting the importance of clean and healthy school toilets….
Short Film – School Bullying
This short film was created during a filmmaking workshop (MAP Phase 1, 2021) with the School Club in Check-Abad, Osh (Kyrgyzstan), raising the topic of school bullying….
Short Film – Environmental Pollution
This short film was created during a filmmaking workshop (MAP Phase 1, 2021) with School Club in Barpy, Jalal Abad (Kyrgyzstan), focusing on the issue of environmental pollution….