Category: Artistic Outputs

Vlog: Journey to Lincoln

Indonesian Youth Advisory Board members Haikel and Indri travelled to Lincoln in November 2022 to attend the 1st Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) International Conference. The video is their journal of this adventure, recorded in pictures, sound, and words. Haikel and Indri would like to thank their YAB colleagues from Nepal, Rwanda and Kyrgyzstan for…

MAP Indonesia: Informing Youth Policy through Arts-based Methods

By Harla Octarra from Atma Jaya, Indonesia This short video shows the journey of how MAP young researchers collaborated with various stakeholders to gradually inform youth policy through research, creating art forms, and an audience with local government. Told from the perspectives of Ibnu, Indri, Haikel, and presented by Harla (as MAP Co-Investigator in Indonesia),…

Participatory Mural #4 on Creating a Safer City for Children

“Green Space, Feel Safe” by Children’s Forums and children in Jatinegara Sub-district, East Jakarta, Indonesia Following the mural project in Bidara Cina Urban Village, the young muralists were invited to extend their collaboration to a greening project under the Kampung Melayu flyover bridge in East Jakarta in early December 2022. This mural project was part…

Participatory Mural #3 for Child-friendly Public Space in Jakarta

“Tough in Solidarity” by Children’s Forums and children in Bidara Cina Urban Village The third MAP Participatory Mural project took place in November 2022, initiated by the Children’s Forum of Bidara Cina and supported by youth facilitators, RPTRA staff, and the urban village. This project was held at Bidara Cina’s RPTRA, a Child-Friendly Integrated Public…

Participatory Mural #2 on Youths’ Challenges

“Active Youths, Positive Attitudes” by MAP Young People & Children’s Forums in Jatinegara Sub-district, East Jakarta, Indonesia Between August and September 2022, the second mural project took place at the Jatinegara Sub-district office. The project spanned six weeks and consisted of six sessions held on Sundays. The project started with an online opening session on…

Participatory Mural #1 on the Issue of Intercommunity Brawls

“Indonesia Needs You” by MAP Young People in Jakarta, Indonesia This mural was created by Children’s Forum of Cipinang Besar Utara (CBU) in Jakarta and was facilitated by an Indonesian artist-educator as well as MAP PhD Researcher at the University of Lincoln, Vina Puspita. The mural was initiated to respond to the available space/wall at…

Menjadi Orang Yang Rajin (Be a Hardworking Person)

Following the 2021 MAP Music Workshop facilitated by the Yayasan Peduli Musik Anak Indonesia (YPMAI), young participants composed a song addressing the common challenge of staying motivated to study, a concern often faced by young people in their daily lives and school environments….

Short Film on The Psycho Social Impact of Absenteeism in Young Children

Poverty is one of the major factor behind school drop out in Nepal. This video creates awareness about important of education to the children. This video also describe the psycho-social impact to the children if they don’t enrol to the school education. The video was developed by members of the Child Club from Janapriya Secondary…

Short Film on Untouchables – Mohankanya, Bhusalda and Janapriya Secondary Schools

Members of three Child Clubs from Mohankanya, Bhulsalda, and Janapriya Secondary Schools (Palpa district, Nepal) raise awareness about the challenges of the ‘untouchables’ (low caste) in Nepal and the need to change perceptions and attitudes within society. This video was produced after the students attended MAP Nepal’s mobile film-making workshop….

Short Film on Worship During Menstruation – Janajyoti Secondary School

Menstruation is treated as something impure and dirty in Nepal. Girls and women are alienated during this time and face harmful social restrictions. The video seeks to create awareness about the current situation and the need to stop harmful traditional practices. The video was developed by members of the Child Club from Janapriya Secondary Schools…

Drawing Masterclass Osh

On November 17 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Osh, with a total of 40 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated.  Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan This drawing masterclass in Osh provided a platform for exploration and reflection on important societal issues, raising awareness of the need to…

Drawing Masterclass Jalal-Abad

On November 8 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Jalal-Abad, with a total of 40 schoolchildren aged 14 to 17 years participated. Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Jalal-Abad invited school children to draw on the theme “The World Through My Eyes”. The children presented rich…

Drawing Masterclass Bishkek

On November 12 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Bishkek, with a total of 39 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated.   Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Jalal-Abad invited school children to draw on the theme “The World Through My Eyes”. Although many of…

Drawing Masterclass Batken

On November 20 2021, a drawing masterclass was held in Batken, with a total of 44 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years participated.  Drawing theme: The world through my eyes. Coach: Samikulova Ayturgan The drawing masterclass in Batken presented a passionate group of participants. What set this group apart from others was their strong sense…

Drawing Workshops

From April 2021 – March 2022, MAP in Nepal worked with 7 schools in Palpa, Kanchanur, and Makwanpur districts. During the project, child club members from working schools identified different issues young people face. Major issues were child marriage, caste discrimination, human trafficking, drug abuse, gender-based violence, and menstruation. They have also identified different art…